Your Letters

No quick fix

I hope Jay Nauss reads Charles Shann`s informative letter and exposure of their blatant mischievous untruths, no doubt gained on the internet put there...

Kick Turnbull out

Tony Abbot wants to kick Malcolm Turnbull out of the Liberal Party. Why? Because he is a trouble maker and he will always be...

World No Tobacco Day

Wouldn’t everyone rush to buy a lotto ticket if the chances of winning would be one in three? Having the same odds, however, for...

Support for Bishop Morris

Charles Shann (FT 26/5/11) seems to want to be an apologist for the Roman Catholic Church rather than come to grips with its dreadful...

Most Catholics support Bishop Morris

In reply to Charles M Shann Free Times 26th May 2011. Despite Charles being very well read, I hope he doesn’t consider the 99 per...

Question Time an embarrassment

Watching Parliamentary Question Time is not likely to promote a feeling that one is watching people who have sat for the Prime Minister’s Naplan...

Question for the carbon debate

I have a question that I don’t believe has yet been asked and/or adequately answered by either side on this carbon debate. How will...

Bishop Morris

Some have questioned why Mugabe of Zimbabwe is welcomed at the Vatican, but Bishop Morris of Toowoomba is sacked. For thousands of years, the...

Read with sadness

I read Jay Nauss’ letter in the last issue with some sadness. I am well aware that one can find all sorts of lies...

Further explanation needed

The statement that our famous blade shearer, Jackie Howe, was born at Canning Downs near Warwick needs further explanation. The following is an extract from...

Tony Abbotts lies

Much is made of Julia Gillard’s so-called lies. Nothing is ever said of Tony Abbott’s lies.  He continually says that he will roll back...

Set-top boxes astir

It is about time some of us, who vote in all elections, demanded an explanation from our politicians about how they spend our taxpayer...


‘Absolute disgrace’: CEO’s sudden axing while on holiday sparks outrage

A former mayor has labelled the Southern Downs Regional Council’s sudden axing of its own chief executive while away on holiday as an “absolute...

A Hallelujah moment