Your Letters

The Australian Kingdom

I write concerning the encroachment of republicanism in this, our great southern Kingdom of Australia. Although it is true that the parliaments of Australia are...

Public consultation wanted

My name is Donna Nevin and I moved here just over a year ago. I was very astounded to hear and read that Southern...

Climate change is with us! But why tax carbon?

Well,  I am not one to argue about climate change (tongue in cheek LOL). Climate is what we expect, and weather is what we...

CO2 part of nature

About Carbon Dioxide – why is it called a pollutant now when it is part of nature and in fact necessary to plant life? ...

Save RSL

If the current proposals by the Federal Government and Tasmanian Independent MP, Andrew Wilkie, for a ‘licence to punt’ come to fruition, not only...

Carbon Tax in question

The saviours of the planet are good on rhetoric but short on facts. Those who support the Government’s Carbon Tax obviously are persons who...

It’s time we gave all Australian farmers a pat on the back

I’ve always had a strong connection to farming – but I’m not a farmer. Like many other Australians, I have family ties to the...

Hot water costs

If we accept Melba Morris’s figures in her recent correspondence (Gradual escalation in hot water costs) and use the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures...

Windsor happenings

Oh to be a fly on the wall in the London and Tamworth Houses of Windsor these days! Anne Lindsay, Stanthorpe

Common political grave

The merger of the Nationals and Liberals to form the LNP, in Queensland, is an absolute disaster for country areas of the State. Lawrence Springborg,...

Marine Parks to NSW Fisheries

NSW recreational fishers, warmly welcome the transfer of Marine  Parks to NSW Fisheries (at last!). It has been an issue high on our “wish...

Why the panic?

In today’s world where tolerance and understanding are touted by Politicians, Greg Combet, Bob Brown and Julia Gillard are into prejudice and exaggeration by...


‘Absolute disgrace’: CEO’s sudden axing while on holiday sparks outrage

A former mayor has labelled the Southern Downs Regional Council’s sudden axing of its own chief executive while away on holiday as an “absolute...

A Hallelujah moment