Your Letters

Carbon taxes – who pays? who benefits?

Prime Minister Gillard has embarrassed Australia after her address to the US Congress, when she smugly announced  her government was adopting measures to curb...

Gradual escalation in hot water costs

Those of us who remember when a hot bath depended upon water heated on the kitchen stove or the magical chip heater had arrived,...

Tenterfield council discussions centred on animal control

I hear that Tenterfield Shire Council are having discussions about the number of animals ratepayers should be allowed to keep in town. Interesting idea; some...

Is a circular roundabout the solution to Eight Mile?

My husband and I live in the local area and find the Eight Mile intersection dangerous and confusing. We strongly suggest a circular roundabout...

How much is it going to cost and what will it achieve?

The Gillard government tells us that the carbon tax is good for the environment, therefore it’s the right thing to do. Maybe they should tell...

Confusing intersection

With many others I’d like to contribute something of my thinking re this very dangerous intersection. Thank you for the opportunity. Even while the redo was taking...

Management of wildlife

Many people may have watched the recent documentary from the ABC TV on the subject of the problems with the management of the dingoes...

Must be a good move for politics

The entry of Campbell Newman into state politics has uncovered the sceptics and fearmongers that walk amongst us! Fancy breaking with tradition and doing...

Praise to our youth

Youth Week, availing opportunities for the views of youth in which they are inspired and motivated  to occupy centre stage, is a jolly good...

Stop the carbon tax now

As opposition to the Gillard carbon tax mounts, Ross Garnaut is now saying, that the increase in electricity will only be small. He thinks...

Say no to the carbon tax

For all of you who think that the proposed carbon (dioxide) tax is such a good thing, and those of you that don’t know...

Where has freedom gone?

Has the world gone totally mad? Is our council totally out of control? Is money the only God this council serves? How can we, the people...


‘Absolute disgrace’: CEO’s sudden axing while on holiday sparks outrage

A former mayor has labelled the Southern Downs Regional Council’s sudden axing of its own chief executive while away on holiday as an “absolute...

A Hallelujah moment