Your Letters

Solution is simple: slow down

Again we have been rocked by another tragedy at the Eight Mile. And again we are reading about the call to upgrade it. I have...

Large roundabout needed for the Eight Mile intersection

Plainly, where it is necessary for a vehicle to stop and give way to traffic from the right, such as occurs if travelling south...

Maybe a roundabout would solve Eight Mile issues

Congratulations on your front page article 31/3/2011 concerning the upgrade of the Eight Mile intersection. In the past, I have drawn the attention of Main...


I (Malcolm McKinnon) am a member of the committee we formed to organise a reunion of Mount Marshall State School alumni - 230 of...

Limited democracy?

I’ll not duplicate the spot-on analysis regarding Fluoridation by Trevor Cooper but will add these observations. Naturally occurring fluoride is universal but it is...

Difficult start to the year

It’s been a difficult start to the year for Australia with natural disasters in Queensland, Victoria, parts of Western Australia and now, also, for...

New administration

It was predicted that O’Farrell would be the next Premier of NSW but no one could have predicted the avalanche against the ALP. The...

Missed the Point?

Does it appear we are missing the most important single fact in the topical carbon tax debate?  Australia’s head of state is the Queen...

Seeing really is believing

The Free Times of 17th of March reminded me of a past life when a honey bee hive came to live in my backyard...

Invitation to SLADE public meeting

We live in an age where many are disillusioned with the political process, disengaged and frustrated.  People believe they can’t make a difference and...

Slade Campus a place for everyone

I appreciate that the Slade Campus has been held until such a time that people from within the community can see their way forward...

Limiting the power of our Parliaments

We must ask: do we or do we not have a valid constitution? If the answer is No, then we do not have a...


A Hallelujah moment

It was a hallelujah moment when St Paul’s Anglican Church was filled with music lovers for a pipe organ recital on Sunday, 15 September. In...