Your Letters

Do something useful

I am writing regarding the article in Thumbs Down (August 30), regarding the sheep dog that barked at someone and was put down because...

A different Tenterfield

After attending the “Meet the Candidates” meeting on Sunday night I came away thinking I must have been living in a different community for...

Doesn’t matter who

Those who have been out and about collecting signatures to force a referendum on de-amalgamation have been working over time to achieve their goal....

A Company 25 Battalion

I am seeking assistance from residents of Tenterfield who served in A Company 25 Battalion with the CMF or Army Reserve from 1965 until...

Evil fruit

Politicians are calling for the stamping out of the culture of bullying. By their fruits do we know them! Charles Gaitskell Stanthorpe

Australia – Sold Out

Australians we cannot rejoice, ‘Cause we have been sold out, To other Countries of the world, Of that there is no doubt, Our companies and our land also, The...


I was given an article from a magazine about the creature that roams the Australian bush and they referred to It as a Yowie....

Times change

on some of the letters that appeared in the Free Times for August 9th. The first letter was by a Charles Gaitskell of Stanthorpe under...

Apology to the Community

I am the independent facilitator for the Community Reference Group (CRG) formed to consider an appropriate option for reliable power to Stanthorpe. I had posted...

Bring them home

If the tear jerker brigade spent as much time and effort ending the wars and bringing our troops home, as they do protecting the...

Wasted money In relation to the art

In relation to the article about Senator Hogg, “who the hell is he anyway?” he must have lived under a rock. And further to...

Abbott’s pledge

Now contra to what some may believe, I am not a loyal Labor  voter and will give credit where it’s due and will always...


A Hallelujah moment

It was a hallelujah moment when St Paul’s Anglican Church was filled with music lovers for a pipe organ recital on Sunday, 15 September. In...