Your Letters

Speak, but who listens?

On the 23rd August the front page of the Free Times ran a headline: ‘Have your say”, relating to potential flood risks in the...

Point of duty

Mr Pickering wrote (Free Times 26th July) about his inability to get a valid duty statement for/or from Australian parliamentarians. But regarding politicians Duty Statements,...

I agree

I agree with every word Kay Jackson wrote (Free Times 16/8). Labor has stuffed Australia by letting all these Refugees in and selling off...

Thank You

I'd like to say a big thank you and congratulations to Maggie & Graham Stokes for providing such a great venue for the first...


Contrary to Mr Bob Johnson’s letter (Free Times 16.8.12 ) there is no de-amalgamation petition at our St Vincent de Paul Shop in Stanthorpe. The...

Be fair

Strong opinions are often formed when we hear only one side of a story, and Graham Foan’s ‘Election time’ letter last week certainly displayed...

Dairy issues

Twelve months ago, one of my first meetings as newly elected President of NSW Farmers’ Association (NSWFA) was with several members of our dairy...

Community excluded from CRG

Readers may be aware that Ergon Energy has created a Community Reference Group (CRG) to oversee the process of determining the need for a...

Posing the question

To do or not to do! That is the question. De-amalgamation of the Shire from our dear friends in Warwick is now the talk...

Short changed

Congratulations to the Free Times for ‘Opposition short-changes Qld’ (2.08.12). There have been very few references to this story in the big city...

New era

Have you seen the activity at the Slade Site over the past couple of months? About eight weeks ago Mr Terrence McCorkell, the new Principal...

Saving lives

SG Thomas, the only thing that is a complex issue is YOU. What a load of rot that refugees can pick and choose where...


A Hallelujah moment

It was a hallelujah moment when St Paul’s Anglican Church was filled with music lovers for a pipe organ recital on Sunday, 15 September. In...