Visual connections and new friendships

There is nothing quite like an exhibition of fine art to lift the spirits.
In this uncertain economic climate, make sure you take time to visit Warwick Art Gallery to view the latest captivating exhibition by the Warwick Artists Group and Warwick Woodcrafters called Visual Connections.
It features more than 120 works of art that are certain to banish all thoughts of a stock market slump or interest rate rise.
It has been two years since these two popular Warwick community groups have exhibited at their local gallery.
The time has allowed the groups to explore new ideas and create different artworks for their much anticipated exhibition.
Warwick Art Gallery director Karina Devine explains the significance of art groups to community wellbeing, “Being a member of the Warwick Artists Group or Warwick Woodcrafters is not just about pursuing an individual’s artistic journey. Group members form a close bond, joined by a common interest that brings them together and generates friendships between people who may not otherwise have ever crossed paths.”
The exhibition features a range of paintings from traditional landscapes and still lifes to emotive abstracts.
Many gallery visitors look forward to viewing the craftsmanship of the local woodcrafters and they will be amazed by the intricacy and beauty of the timber work by Bob Amos, Ken Mitchell and Wayne Vince, to name just a few of the 29 artists involved in the exhibition.
Entry to Visual Connections is free and it will be open for viewing today.