Gatton lad wins gold

Working on massive seven tonne prime movers are all in a day’s work for Daniel Farr.
Daniel took out gold medal at the recent WorldSkills state finals held at Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE (SQIT) Warwick Campus. The Gatton local and fourth year apprentice for Nolan Interstate Transport won the heavy vehicle mechanics category.
“I really enjoyed the competition. It is rewarding that the knowledge and skills I have learnt over the past four years are up there with the best and have paid off with success in the competition,” Mr Farr said.
“It was great to win the gold medal and now I need to work towards competing at the national finals in Sydney next March.”
The regional competition for heavy vehicle mechanics category consisted of six major projects equivalent to a full eight hours of work. The systems that were encountered included hydraulic service, diesel fuel system, steering system, brake system, electrical and engine diagnosis.
“The projects are designed to represent typical everyday tasks that a heavy vehicle mechanic could encounter in a general workshop or field environment,” said David Wyvill, Warwick SQIT automotive teacher.
“The emphasis is in the discipline of system diagnosis and therefore the majority of marks are given to correct and accurate problem diagnosis.”
As part of Daniel’s apprentice-ship training he attends two-week block training three times a year at the Warwick TAFE Campus.
“I’ve always been interested in mechanics and doing my apprenticeship and block training with the TAFE gave me the confidence to sign up for the competition,” Daniel said.
When he finishes his apprenticeship, Daniel intends on focusing on working with highway trucks.
If you are interested in competing or would like more information, please contact the South Queensland WorldSkills Project Officer Megan Stevens on 4694 1351 or