Stanthorpe in 1942: key events
January 1
– Tin Shortage
The chairman of the Tableland Tin Dredging Co reported there was a tin shortage of 500 tons a year in Australia on present production.
– Daylight Saving: For the first time since 1917, daylight saving will operate in Australia from today. It was to have operated from midnight, but this would have caused confusion and spoiled New
Year’s atmosphere.
– Under National Security Regulations, owners are required to hand in rifles within 14 days by 31st December, 1941 except Volunteer Defence Corps members.
– Stanthorpe Show Will be Held
A special meeting was held to decide to carry on with the show for 1942. The New South Wales Council of Agricultural Societies has advised country show organisations to strive to carry on “to encourage a high standard of production and play a valuable part in the nation’s wartime effort.”
– Mother Shipton’s Prophecies
January 6
– Black out regulations: An Emergency Council meeting is to be called to consider black out, brown out, evacuation etc. Council is awaiting advice from Brisbane.
– The Stanthorpe Aerodrome: Cr. Stringer moved that the work proceeds at once, even if it is necessary to postpone other work. Council had allowed £500 a year to complete the aerodrome. Governments would not help as the area was not of military importance. Council had spent over £1000 constructing an aerodrome. The motion was not seconded.
– Water Supply: Discussion at Council, Chamber of Commerce urges consideration of question.
January 13
– Texas Demand For Internment of Italians Acquisition – Reduction in Prices
– Growers are to be paid 3/4 instead serious losses. 3/4 is disastrous.
January 16
– Wartime Economies
To save supplies of tin plate for the war effort, housewives are urged to practise home-bottling of fruit and vegetables. Other wartime economies go stockingless in the house in summer.
January 20
– Growers’ Bitter Hostility to Apple and Pear Acquisition: “Production costs have risen 25 per cent growers are entitled to a 25 per cent increase instead of a 33 per cent decrease. Growers demanded the resignation of growers representatives from the Acquisition Committee. The meeting recommends Queensland Government withdraw the support from the Apple Acquisition Scheme, as it is considered detrimental to growers. COD is asked to take no part in acquisition.
– Obituary: Ernest Jolly
January 23
– Apple and Pear Growers Protest Acquisition Standing Room Only at the Rex Theatre
– A mass meeting appoints Baker and Hilton to meet Minister for Commerce, Pfrunder and Dobbie to meet Minister for Agriculture. Growers demanded that action be taken to exempt Queensland from the scheme or that the unit price be raised to not less than 25 per cent above last year’s prices.
Growers urge Commonwealth Government to investigate claims that the existence of the industry in Queensland is in jeopardy by the recent announced conditions of the 1942 acquisition and that operation of the scheme in Queensland be suspended in Queensland until the investigation is complete; Federal Government be urged to call a special meeting of the Australian Agricultural Council to consider the results of a 4d/unit first payment.
January 30
– Minister for Commerce to Seek Exemption for Queensland
February 3
– Stanthorpe Shire Council is asked to undertake a census of accommodation available in the event of an evacuation of women and children from Brisbane.
Feb 10
– Rev Frs McDonald & Murphy Honoured
February 13
– Fruitgrowers meeting at The Summit; Message to Prime Minister
February 17
– Identity Cards: Citizens are required to register for identity card in four weeks time (over 16 years of age)
February 20
– Stanthorpe’s Grand Show Under Darwin Bombed Munitions in Stanthorpe
Investigations into a possible munitions factory have found that the machinery available in
Stanthorpe is not suitable.
February 27
– Returned soldiers call for the internment of all enemy aliens, including naturalised citizens.
March 3
– Mr Soothill Meets Growers – Exemption to be Sought
At a very representative meeting of apple and pear growers held at the Summit Hall on Friday evening last for the purpose of hearing the views of Mr. W.H. Soothill (Vice Chairman of the Commonwealth Apple and Pear Board) it was decided to ask the Australian Apple and Pear Board to recommend to the Minister for Commerce that Queensland be given exemption from the scheme.
March 13
• Stanthorpe Soldier Escapes from Singapore
Early this week, Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson received a telegram from their son, Private Jim Robertson, stating that he had landed at an Australian port after escaping from Singapore. They have since received a letter from Private Robertson, who said he was one of the lucky ones to get away from Singapore.
– Texas Pilot Killed in Action
– Sgt. Pilot Roger Herbert Morris Jennings, killed in action in the Middle East
– Public meeting of protest at The Summit was the largest and most representative ever held in Stanthorpe district. Growers advocated a strike (ie refusal to send produce out of district) if prices could not be obtained, but this was defeated.