Windsor wants gay referendum



INDEPENDENT member for New England, Tony Windsor, wants to put an end to the gay marriage debate by calling for the question to be put at a referendum during the September election.
Mr Windsor says if the Federal Parliament hasn’t been able to resolve the issue, maybe it’s time the people decided.
“Discussion of same sex marriage hasn’t fallen away despite the recent rejection of the proposal by the Federal Parliament, and local people continue to lobby me both for and against the change,” Mr Windsor said.
“I surveyed New England in 2011 on same sex marriage, and I have voted against same sex marriage in parliament because that’s what survey respondents told me they wanted me to do.
“But the issue continues to be brought up in parliament despite the deadlock, distracting from the other major issues that also deserve to be discussed.
“If people think the Federal Parliament hasn’t adequately dealt with the issue, then maybe it’s time for the people to decide the issue once and for all at a referendum.
“But it’s up to the people to make the case for the referendum – keep the politicians away from it.
“In the past, people used petitions to make their case for putting social issues to a referendum, but it’s actually a lot easier now to quickly build support through social media,” Mr Windsor said.
Mr Windsor is hopeful a referendum will be held at the 14 September federal election on the financial recognition of local government in the Constitution.
“I have supported Constitutional recognition of local government for 20 years, and I am hopeful the issue will finally be resolved at a referendum in September,” Mr Windsor said.
“If we’re already going to be spending the money to hold a referendum on local government, why not add another question to it?
“I would encourage people on both sides of the same sex marriage debate to wait and see if the local government referendum is announced.
“If we are having a local government referendum, those who want the same sex marriage issue resolved should campaign to have that question put at the same referendum.
“Then we will know for sure whether Australia supports same sex marriage or not.”