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Wedding is a family affair

“Just how I had ever hoped it would be” - that’s what all brides want to be able to say about their wedding and...

Stanthorpe in 1944

Key Stanthorpe events, 1944: January 11 • Growers Protest - Deputation will meet Prices Commissioner. At the largest meeting of growers since the time of...

Stanthorpe in 1943

Stanthorpe in 1943, key events: January 5 - The Commandos in Timor by Damien Parer - Women's Land Army: The first Women's Land Army Corp was opened...

Stanthorpe in 1942

Stanthorpe in 1942: key events January 1 - Tin Shortage The chairman of the Tableland Tin Dredging Co reported there was a tin shortage of 500 tons...

In Memory of Olivia Newton-John

Stanthorpe Film Society will be showing the 1978 musical Grease this Saturday 24 September at the Arcadia Theatre in Railway Street, Stanthorpe to commemorate...

Ballandean Estate brings the buzz to Fiano 2022 vintage release

Ballandean Estate released its 10th Fiano vintage on Saturday 17 September. Ballandean Estate winemaker Dylan Rhymer lends a sophisticated finesse to the rare white...

Letters to the editor

Ruled by Fools Australia has become a nation ruled by fools. We have surrendered power over every aspect of our lives and industry to fifteen debating...

Council In Brief

Planning and Environmental Services Report tabled The Planning and Environmental Services Report was tabled at the recent Ordinary council Meeting, highlighting interesting figures for the...

Dad’s good for laughs

He fell in love the first time he held you, and cocked the shotgun when your first date arrived. He teaches, protects and loves...

State Government funds for Meals on Wheels to help provide better services for Queenslanders

Meals on Wheels services will continue to be delivered throughout the state, with the State Government extending funding for another two years. Minister for Communities...

Young replacements sought after

Numbers increased this week for both the main Livestock sales with a total of 1423 head of cattle sold and 2705 head of sheep...