A celebration of life

For many of us, we go about our daily lives without giving much thought to how precious life really is, but for one Stanthorpe resident and his family, they know exactly how special the gift of life is.
Much-loved father and grandfather, Ron Salata, recently celebrated his 16th anniversary of having a life-saving heart transplant.
At aged 59, Mr Salata was enjoying a soft drink at a local pub, when he went into cardiac arrest.
He and his family waited painstakingly for a number of weeks before he received the phone call that literally changed his life – a heart was available.
After medical staff had determined the heart was a match, Mr Salata underwent the transplant operation and, with no rejection to the organ in the following weeks, he had a second chance at life.
“I’m very humble about it. I know if it wasn’t for the transplant I wouldn’t be here,” he said.
“It’s a strange feeling knowing you’re alive with someone’s heart in you.”
Mr Salata is extremely grateful for the extra time he can now spend with his four children and eight grandchildren.
His daughter, Julie Watt of Deepwater, said they have been able to share many more years of amazing experiences as a result of the transplant.
“I am forever grateful and thank God and the donor, a complete stranger, and his or her family for the gift of life given to my dad who, as a result, has had 16 years to wander this earth with his family and friends and watch his grandchildren grow into beautiful adults and teenagers,” Mrs Watt said.
“We have been blessed to have had his company for 16 more years so far,” she said.
Mr Salata hopes local residents would consider organ donation and discuss their intentions with their families to enable further life-saving transplants to take place.

Story: Rebecca Brown