Students say farewell

The graduating class of 2023. Picture: Julie-Ann Spillier

Last week marked the conclusion of the 13-year journey for St Joseph’s School Year 12 students, spanning from Prep to Year 12.

For many, this educational odyssey began at St Joseph’s School in Prep 2011, and it has been a culmination of years of dedicated study and hard work.

Throughout the week, they shared special moments during a retreat in Brisbane, providing them with the opportunity to both celebrate and reflect on their experiences.

The pinnacle of their journey unfolded with the graduation mass and dinner held on Thursday 16 November, followed by a farewell assembly the following morning.

In their final act, the Year 12’s ceremoniously rang the new school bell following the assembly. Year 12 student, Kieran Kemp had the honour of being chosen by his peers to be the first to ring the bell.

“We are extremely proud of our Year 12’s this year. They have led the student body and represented the school exceptionally. They have bright futures ahead.” said principal Andrew Kendall OAM.

As our Year 12’s bid farewell to the school community, we extend our congratulations and best wishes for their futures.