Wind in their wings

St Josephs Catholic School Parents and Friends Association Stanthorpe are creating a playground that will better stimulate the children and reflect their surrounding. Pictures: SAMANTHA WANTLING

By Lucy Waldron

Three notable Stanthorpe community groups were celebrated at Acciona’s special morning tea on Friday, 7 June.

The event recognised the recipients of their small grants and scholarship program and highlighted Acciona’s commitment to supporting local initiatives in health, education, sustainability, conservation, and cultural development.

This year, Acciona funded 35 projects, extending over $114,000 in support, compared to 32 projects funded last year.

The Stanthorpe Mens Shed thanked Acciona for their funding and support for their endeavours.

Kev who received the certificate on the men’s shed behalf humbly said his explanation of what they plan to do with the funds does not come close to some of the projects that were mentioned at the morning tea.

“I am almost embarrassed because all we are doing is putting solar panels on the men’s shed to become more sustainable,” he said.

“It’s easy for a bunch of old blokes to say ‘yeah forget about all the sustainable stuff’ but it’s important to be part of the larger goal.”

He marvelled at all the other projects the men’s shed were up against and to still be considered and receive funding, Kev said they are honoured to be considered among the groups who are doing great things for the region.

The St Joseph’s Parents and Friends Association will be using their grant to create a nature play.

“We’ve taken part of the playground that was just grass and we are making it into a space that represents the local area,” Lisa, a representative for the PnF said.

The new area will include boulders, stepping and balancing logs, a dry creek, a sandpit and a mud kitchen.

“The idea is to stimulate that creative play in the playground and to give the kids something to do.”

The Granite Belt Sustainability Action Network were also granted funds from Acciona to continue their sustainable efforts in the community.

From the north side, the Condamine Headwater Group, Waringhehn Aboriginal Corporation, The Allora Landcare, Sailability Leslie Dam, The Belinda McGowan Foundation, the Warwick and Stanthorpe Hospital, The Deuchar-Massie Hall, the Warwick Arches, Killarney Memorial Aged Care, Warwick Pentathrun, Country Heart events, and the Warwick Art Gallery all received funding for their projects.

Wei Song Wong was one of the successful recipients of the Acciona scholarship program. He is currently in his first year at UNISQ studying an Honours degree in Engineering.

“I would love the opportunity to work with Acciona, either at one of the wind farms or a solar farm throughout Australia,” he said.

Steve, a representative for the University of Southern Queensland said they are very grateful for the Acciona and they funds they have provided in support of the scholarships.

“What this means is, the gift from Acciona has been invested into the university and matched at two for one and that investment provides an ongoing scholarship and support for the students,” Steve said.

Acciona’s efforts underline their dedication to fostering sustainable development and supporting the vibrant community in Southern Downs. The projects funded this year reflect a broad range of initiatives aimed at improving community life and preserving cultural heritage.