Around the greens

Hamilton Travelers Club at the Summit.

Summit prepares for singles

The Summit Bowls club is gearing up for the District Ladies’ singles to be played there on June 15 with the District Men’s singles now being played at Tenterfield on 16 June.

Meanwhile the weather cleared in time for the games against Hamilton on Sunday afternoon. The afternoon turned out to be most enjoyable. Cards read as follows with The Summit teams first – M Sweeney and T Schubert defeated T Paekau and D Smith 24-8; A Inwood and I Gibb d P Moore and F Taylor 22-11; D Stibbard and R Capelli defeated S Kelly and B Jackson 24-15; Liquid, G Caplick and B Rablin 15 defeated B Larsen, J Straatman and A Mattiazzi 12; M Harvey, R Spiller and D Stanley 13 beat B Stewart, N Randall and W Schmidt 11; M Ball, R Crome and T Sweeney 18 beat I Perel, T Petrohilos and R Conlon 4; A Jackson, G Preston and C Sutherland 13 v R Hennessy, J Smith and B Hipwood 17. Lucky winners for the day were – R Hennessy, J Smith and B Hipwood and the losers were T Paekau and D Smith. The club wishes to thank Arames Volpato for his generous donation of apples and apple juice.

The draw has been made for the A and B pairs. There are two sections which means each team will play three games on the first day 8 June. Players to be there at 9.30. Section One – Maree Ball and Rob Capelli – Rod Crome and Alex Mattiazzi – Peter Balmer and David Stibbard – Joe Straatman and Frank Taylor – Section two – Kurt Empen and Tony Schubert – Pam Moore and Glen Preston – Margaret Harvey and Darren Stanley – Peter Ayerst and Adrian Jackson. Three rounds of 14 ends will be played.

Calendar for the coming week: Saturday 8 June A and B Pairs; Sunday 9 June: A and B Pairs; Saturday 15 June: Ladies District Singles and social bowls; Sunday 16 June: Men’s District Singles; Saturday 22 June: Practice games for the Sevens’ teams; Saturday 29 June: Club Sevens at Tenterfield; Sunday 30 June: Club Sevens at Tenterfield

Warwick Bowls

The First Round of the open singles continued on Saturday, 29 May, and Social Bowls.

Results of open singles: Max Balfour def Brian Black 26-17. Marker Phil Wagner.

This was a closely contested match. Brian led 9-1 early on in the match, but then Max took over to get in the lead by 11-9, and he continued in the lead until winning the match 26-17. Faye Flint def Shane Bailey 25-8. Marker Trish Owens. Shane played very well but Faye played her usual very good game. (3) Russell Bean def Jim Rickard 26-14. Marker Gerda Brack. Jim led 8-1 early on in the match. Russell got into the lead at 12-11 and continued on to win the match 26-13. Congratulations to Max, Faye and Russell. Result of Social Bowls: Pat Seipelt, Ray Southee and Craig Thurgate def Michael Dungey, Marion Skaines and Geoff Davis 16-7; Dave Russell, Peter Mole and Clark Davidson def Barry Perks, Nat Kumseewad and John Ruhle 14-12; Pamela Kerr, James White and Rick Shiells tied with Marion Cirson, Anne Shiells and Dave Scotney 15 each. The Club welcomed Anne and Rick Shiells from Kingston Bowls Club, South Australia, who are having a ‘travelling Bowling holiday’ around Australia. They were such a lovely friendly couple and everyone enjoyed their company. The Lucky Ticket Raffle was won by our visitor Rick.

On Saturday, 1 June, the Open Singles continued with Gary Cooper def Michael Dungey 22-4. Marker Shane Bailey; Craig Thurgate def Clark Davidson 28-11. Marker Phil Wagner. Congratulations to Gary and Craig.

Many thanks to our Members, who are a great crew, for their assistance in all sections in the running of the Bowls Club. More volunteers to help with the Green would be appreciated. The timber to replace the very old ditch wood on all ends of the Green is at the Club now. The first to be replaced will be on the East and West ends of the Green. Play will be from North to South while this work is carried out.

Coming Events for June: To nominate for Bowls on Wednesday and Saturday names must be in between midday and 12.30 for play at 1pm. Phone the Club on 46611516 or names on the outside Notice Board. Saturday 8 June: Open Singles continues and Social Bowls; Wednesday 12 June: Social Bowls; Saturday 15 June: Club selected pairs and Social; Wednesday 19: KFC sponsored Bowls; Wednesday 26: Jackpot Pairs. (13 July 13: Club Selected Triples).

Warwick East

On Saturday the diehards turned up for mixed social bowls, despite the threatening rain. We also welcomed two visitors from Adelaide and one from Maleny. We started playing one game of triples and two of pairs before the rain finally arrived and curtailed things. We did play enough ends to determine winners, who were Lynn Collie and Steve Trowse. We couldn’t have our jackpot attempt, which will be held next Saturday.

Thursday, 6 June is the club’s monthly triples competition, with play starting at 10am. On Saturday there will be mixed social bowls as usual, with play starting at 1pm.