QLD Premier urges residents to support ‘Act as 1’ campaign

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh was praised for her compassion and her natural empathy when she responded to the State’s devastating floods earlier this year.
This demeanour was once again demonstrated when Ms Bligh spoke to the Southern Free Times about the Queensland Government’s Act as 1 campaign during her visit to Warwick on Saturday night.
She urged residents to support the campaign, which aims to reduce domestic and family violence in our communities.
“Domestic violence damages lives, particularly the lives of children, and the best thing that we can all do is talk about the issue so people that are experiencing it can have the strength to take action and protect themselves,” Ms Bligh said.
“We’ve seen just in the last week the tragic loss of life in a domestic dispute – the death of a five-year-old,” she said.
“If this campaign can save one life, it has been worth it.”
Domestic and family violence is estimated to cost the Queensland economy $2.7 to $3.2 billion annually, although the social and emotional costs to our communities of this type of violence are immeasurable.
“It has an effect on the whole community; the workplace, the neighbourhood, and their friends,” Ms Bligh said.
The Act as 1 campaign is being held as part of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month in May.

Story: Rebecca Brown