Power play

Residents are already lobbying the proposed duplication of the Warwick to Stanthorpe 110kv Powerline even before a public information evening on the project is held.
State Member for Southern Downs Lawrence Springborg will host the forum from 6.30pm Tuesday at the Warwick Town Hall at which Ergon Energy representatives will outline details and answer questions on the proposal.
Warwick residents Narelle Eather and Graeme Benz are calling for concerned citizens to assist them in their efforts to lobby government bodies and find an alternative route for delivering electricity to Stanthorpe without impacting on the community and the beautiful surroundings.
“Many people working together have a greater impact than those in isolation. Your assistance will be significant in our efforts to keep Warwick and the surrounding area free of potential unknown health risks, loss to property values and livelihoods, along with maintaining the picturesque landscape of Warwick,” Mrs Eather said.
Mr Springborg said he decided to call the meeting after a number of concerned residents contacted him about the proposed powerline project.
Their concerns were in relation to the environmental and personal impacts as well as the potential compensation issues.
“It’s an important line. It’s about providing power security down to Stanthorpe. It’s to ensure we don’t have the sorts of blackouts we’ve had in the past because there’s no back-up,” Mr Springborg said.
“We’ve got to make sure we’ve got a reliable electricity supply.”
He said the forum would give residents an opportunity to find out about the project and have their concerns addressed.
Narelle Eather can be contacted on
(07) 4661 9003 or Graeme Benz on (07) 4667 0740.

Story: Rebecca Brown