Festival brings visitors to Stanthorpe

The Three Saints Festival is an annual commemoration of the martyrdom of St Alfio, St, Filadelfo and St Cirino, three Sicilian brothers tortured and killed by the Romans because they refused to deny their belief in God.
On their final journey across the island of Sicily, many miracles were reported and the three brothers have become patrons of all those seeking healing.
The tradition involves a religious celebration and procession followed by feasting with family and friends. Visitors come in droves to enjoy the Stanthorpe festivities.
Many non-Italians also have become involved in this great expression of Italian faith and culture. The Sicilian delicacies sold recently were lovingly prepared by a team to helpers under the direction of Angie Lofaro and included canoli, savoiardi, crostoli, almond bread and torrone.
The celebrations were also enhanced by acoustic and visual fireworks, music and dancing, which proved a big hit with locals and visitors alike.
The Stanthorpe com-munity is continually enriched by these public opportunities to share festivities, which build on our cross-cultural ties.
Congratulations to the St Joseph Parish Three Saints Committee for the 2012 Three Saints Festival.