A toast to David

David Phillips has come a long way with Warwick Toastmasters.

When David Phillips joined Warwick Toastmasters two years ago, it was very hard to get more than a ‘Yes ‘or ‘No’ in answer to any question.
After attending a few meetings and taking part in the general agenda where all members are asked to talk briefly on a selected topic, David had confidence to give his first full speech in front of an audience.
In the ‘Ice Breaker’, new members are asked to speak about themselves. David had suffered from epilepsy throughout his childhood and had to contend with the social and phychological problems arising from the condition. He was able to give a clear and touching record of some of the trauma he had experienced during his early years when his illness hadn’t been recognised.
The encouragement from the members of Warwick Toastmasters Club helped David to take charge of his life. David now makes regular speeches at Club meetings and holds the position of Sergeant-at-arms on the Club Executive team, where he is responsible for greeting guests to the Club and opening the meetings.
Recently, David received a grant from the RADF for nearly $10,000 to support the Stories of Diversity project, where he is now interviewing, collating and editing stories of migrants.  His comment on the expansion of his confidence and self-esteem since joining Toastmasters was, “I never dreamed I would be able to do anything like this!”
David is now hoping to secure more funding to produce a book and schools record of the migrants’ stories he is collecting.
Warwick Toastmasters meets monthly every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at the Warwick Library Meeting Room, 7.30pm to 9.30pm.  You are very welcome to come as a guest. They might inspire you to achieve your aim. Contact Dorothy on 4661 1420 for more information.