Retirement for hardworking John Dee employee

Jeff Baker was a spritely 16-year-old when he landed his first job at the Warwick John Dee Meatworks in 1969, and he never stopped applying himself.

Mr Baker performed his duties as a slaughterman and supervisor with a rare commitment and, after 44 years, he announced his retirement last week at the age of 60.

“I thought I better do it now before I get too old,” he joked.

“I didn’t want to leave, but I didn’t want to be carried out either.”

Mr Baker said his motto for hard work had been based on respect and learning to take criticism – values he had developed from life on the land.

“Back then, if you came from the country, then you were born and bred to work hard,” he said.

Mr Baker was self taught in the meat industry and spent his lunch breaks learning how to handle a knife.

“I loved going to work,” he said. “The factory gave our family everything we needed and allowed me to retire.”

His retirement promises to be just as busy, with plans to travel Australia with his wife Julie, working in the garden and completing some final home renovations.