Focus on shire saviours


SAVE Our Shires Action Group will host a special barbecue at the Farley Piazza in Stanthorpe this Saturday 25 May.
SOSAG chair Bob Johnson said the meeting would feature a special announcement regarding the birth of Queensland Local Government Reform Alliance.
Save Our Shires Action Group was originally formed to fight the forced council amalgamations during 2007.
The group, which had been in abeyance until last year, reformed to negotiate de-merger with the minister and subsequently organised the very successful Local Government Reform Forum held in Stanthorpe during February this year.
“SOSAG was designated by that meeting of delegates from across Queensland to be instrumental in a steering committee to form a new organisation representing all ratepayers’ interests across Queensland,” he said.
“There is also a listening post in the main street set up by SOSAG just recently.
“Stanthorpe residents can access interested SOSAG members there who are prepared to listen to their local concerns and also make available petitions on local issues.”
Mr Johnson said the two main issues for the SOSAG were questions around the use of fluoride in our town water supply and access to a referendum for determining our own local government boundaries.
The shop front is adjacent to “Little Cake & Coffee Shop” and will be open from Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.
Call Bob or Sue Johnson 4681 0871 or Mary Rofe on 4681 0805 for further information.