Help learning to feed your baby

Expectant parents are invited to attend the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) Breastfeeding Education Class to be held in Stanthorpe on Saturday, September 8.
Breastfeeding, while natural, is a learned skill for both mother and baby. Parents who are prepared with up-to-date information about breastfeeding are more likely to overcome any difficulties that they may experience. They are also more likely to enjoy the breastfeeding relationship with their baby and have more confidence in their ability to breastfeed successfully.
These classes help to prepare parents to confidently and successfully breastfeed. Jenni and Michael Larkin attended the first Breastfeeding Education Class held in Stanhorpe in early 2012.
“As a first time mother I personally found the information relating to blocked milk ducts and mastitis greatly helped me in preventing them. The classes also gave us the knowledge to select a birthplan that was best for us and our baby,” Jenny said.
“As a father, I found the ABA breastfeeding class helped me to aid in attachment as well as be more supportive of my wife whilst breastfeeding. I would strongly recommend the classes to anyone that is expecting,” Michael said.
Classes are designed for expectant parents to prepare for the vital days, weeks and months after a baby’s birth. Presented by trained breastfeeding counsellors or educators, attendees will gain up-to-date information and insights into breastfeeding a baby and parenting in the early days. Attending a Breastfeeding Education Class complements and expands on any knowledge gained at antenatal classes.
For an investment of $85 (or $70 concession), expectant parents can attend the class, receive membership to the Australian Breastfeeding Association (including the book ‘Breastfeeding…naturally’, valued at $34.95) and be much more likely to have a successful breastfeeding relationship with their child.
The class will be held on Saturday, September 8, from 10am-3pm at Community Health Building, Stanthorpe Hospital, McGregor Tce, Stanthorpe. ABA would like to thank Pink Poppies for their donation towards parent packs for attendees. RSVP: Michelle 07 4681 1101.