Electricity use

Gotcha Ross Barrell (T.S.F.T 28/4/11). Fancy trying to explain and denigrate my marvellous old hot water system that always ran on clean rain water. It should have given you reason to ask first about overall electricity use, before getting on to your high horse. In 1993 my entire household used $53.45 worth of power for a quarter. In the last quarter that is, to March 2011, I was billed $179.29. Within my household the same appliances are in use except for a television that was compulsory for signal change. This, according to Ergon Energy would add about $15.00 only to my account over the quarter. As for your so-called passive solar hot water system, that costs many thousands to install, you must be joking! This is still a free world last time I checked, Mr Barrell and my household budget is based on common sense not political correctness, as yours appears to be. Carbon tax is not a conspiracy it is a threat to all of us, you included, and it is a fantasy to believe in compensation which will require an army of public servants to administer. What a brave man you must be to give free advice, so very kind. There is nothing of any worth free these days!!!

Melba Morris,