No dogs allowed

My wife and I set out on Saturday, July 23, to admire and enjoy the decorations of the trees associated with the Jumpers & Jazz Festival. We commend those involved for their initiative and skills.
We have a little dog only 3.6kg, 15 years old, which my wife carries in a bag. He is quiet, does not bark and causes no nuisance. We take him with us almost everywhere we go and have had no complaints.
My wife quietly asked a lady behind the counter of a shop whether it was alright to browse around with the dog in the bag. She replied, “We would prefer not, because a lot of people in here are allergic to dogs”.
We could not work out how this lady would know that people in the shop were allergic to dogs and we walked out.
In the UK and many other countries, dogs, under control, are allowed inside restaurants, cafes, etc. Paris is particularly ‘dog friendly’. In some countries, dogs are allowed on buses, trains and even aircraft.
Our whole day had been spoilt due to this attitude.

John and Robyn Wilkins, Warwick