Plenty of support for community use of Slade

Although Ian Perkins’ and my names appear frequently, we are fortunate to be just members of a large team of highly professional people who are working diligently to submit a tender for the use of the former Slade School on behalf of the community. Many of the best business minds in the region are working with us in their own time, committing their knowledge, skills and resources to reach the goal of retaining this wonderful property for use by the community for generations to come.
What support we have had to raise the $20,000 required, in order to lodge the tender! What would be the point of putting the Slade property up for sale again? The council has already spent a great deal of ratepayers’ money in advertising the property widely for sale, and received only two expressions of interest, both from local bodies. The community is already using the property extensively, and must continue to do so. The sale of the property will not guarantee a reduction in rates – we have asked.
There is wide community support for retaining the Slade Campus for use by the community, and a proven financial record to support the tender. The project is quite achievable and financially viable, as our tender will demonstrate. The site will provide an opportunity to provide respite for those with a disability and dementia. Should we ignore their plight? However, ultimately, the decision regarding the future of Slade will lie in the hands of the regional council. We ask them to consider the future wellbeing and quality of life of the people they represent. Life cannot simply be reduced to a dollar value. Every person has the right to an opinion – an informed one!

Margaret McKinnon,