Allora ignored

In the iconic movie, Network, Peter Finch exhorted his television audience to revolt against media brainwashing.  “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore…” As a long-suffering taxpayer in Allora, I am mad as hell at listening to the Southern Downs Regional Council hype that tries to brainwash us into believing that we are actually getting value for money. I am mad as hell at accepting rate increases without any return. I am mad as hell at Southern Down’s Regional Council’s consistent ignorance of this little town’s needs.
This outburst has been fuelled by the council’s announcement earlier this year of the pre-rate spending they planned to lavish on us. Banner headlines – “Revamp for Allora Playgrounds”. Whoopee!  Now Allora is not so small as to be insignificant. Two primary schools, a day care centre, kindergarten and playgroup do not adequately cater for the needs of the community. We had three playgrounds (perhaps Southern Downs Regional Council should check the dictionary meaning of the word in relation to its benefit to growing children) and all of them apparently had substandard equipment that doesn’t meet safety regulations. So, the council has replaced two of them.
Apex Park had two see-saws and a slippery slide. It’s been replaced by rubberised flooring and two swings. I thought we would be safe with the one in Dalrymple Reserve, but appalled to find that the little fort with slide, climbing frame and swings, has been transplanted closer to the toilets. (So, when the children get too excited, they’re not far from facilities? Or closer to an area that isn’t constantly overgrown by weeds from lack of regular maintenance?) And how did they “revamp” it? That’s right – another poxy swing and rubberised flooring as hard as concrete.
The littlies in Allora will be beside themselves with the huge choice they have now been given. Did the council get the swings as a sweetener for the ‘you-beaut’ playground equipment installed in Warwick? I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
The scary thing is that there is still one original playground intact. Will they leave us with anything that actually allows children to explore and play and be happy?
Oh, yes, I am as mad as hell, and so are many other people. It’s time we all stood up to be counted. The council took over one million dollars into its coffers from Allora when we were forced to amalgamate. Not only have they given nothing back, but also they are now taking it away. We need to do something about it now!

Michele Smith,