Open minded study

Richard Ibbett (Southern Free times, September 13) truly hit the target with his incisive and well crafted letter regarding our ancient origins, and Australia’s unique destiny within the Biblical latter day Israel of the British Empire. Mr Ibbett has very astutely detailed some of the Scriptural and historical facts proving the Israelite ancestry of the British peoples. A sincere and open minded study of this subject is a magnificently rewarding experience. I wholeheartedly commend and applaud Mr Ibbett for his scholarly epistle, and recommend the honest consideration of the same to all.
Some of the most interesting descriptions of the latter day saved and redeemed, restored and reunited Israel are those which refer to a nation named “Great” (Genesis 12), and a company or Commonwealth of Nations (Genesis 17, 28, 35 and 48), all united as one Kingdom under David’s Royal Throne, and known by the emblem of the Lion and the Unicorn (Genesis 49.9; Deuteronomy 33.17; Numbers 23 and 24; Jeremiah 31 and 33). There is even mention made of Israelite Princes, Generals, and soldiers clothed in scarlet; red coats (Nahum 2), with blue ribands (Numbers 15).
Latter day Israel was to be found in the Isles of the sea northwest of Palestine, and in Islands and coastlands around the world (I Samuel 7; Isaiah 32, 41, 41, 43 and 49). Specifically, the Kingdom of Israel was to be found in the north (Great Britain), the west (Canada), and the land of Sinim (The Southern bush land in Hebrew; Australia).
The British Empire (Great Britain and the Realms of the Commonwealth) is clearly and repeatedly portrayed with unmistakable accuracy and great vividness in the Holy Bible, and we Australians may be rightly and humbly appreciative of our national heritage under Her Majesty the Queen, and the British Lion and Unicorn. God has indeed kept His word to King David, whose daughter Reigns upon his Throne over Israel today. Rule, Britannia!
God Save the Queen.

Steven Harrison