Your Letters

Substance abuse?

Substance abuse? After 5? What happened to calling a friend, playing cards, reading, brainstorming in prevention and innovation? Don’t turn off! Turn up! Debate! Donna...

Truth is eternal

May I correct a statement in the letters column of the Southern Free Times, June 30, where it was claimed that the Protestants have...

Crisis coming

The Federal Member for New England is the busiest Parliamentarian these days. Videoconferencing from the Benevolent Society’s New England offices (Southern Free Times, June...

Disaster in long term

I empathise with the general opinion that Councillors should get into the real world. The Southern Downs Regional Council should be cutting costs on...

Mayoral Flood Appeal

After a very long battle with the Southern Downs Regional Council office in Warwick, a claim was lodged for assistance for items being lost...

Climate change debate

Apparently, Cate Blanchett stuck her bib into the climate change debate and one of the “sceptics” gave her a serve.  John McConkey charged to...

Leadership absent on the upholding of moral standards

I agree with the sentiments of Peter Wiggins (SFT July 7) on marriage between a man and a woman. A child needs a natural...

Stop the nonsense

It seems, to many of us, that the diseased flying fox population in Queensland and NSW is increasing out of control. This is despite...

Political agenda

Bob Johnson (FT23/6/11) raises interesting issues in regard to the ban on live cattle exports and ties it in with our imports of products...

Lives in limbo

The lives of 23 people are currently in limbo as Labor refuses to do anything to stop the spread of the potentially fatal Hendra...

Stand up for the sanctity of marriage

There is much discussion currently about marriage, especially with the numbers in the Senate about to change. Australian law defines marriage as “a union...

Hennessey families of Warwick

I am looking for any descendant of James Carroll Hennessey and Matilda Loy (nee) Hennessey, or Francis Antoine Carroll Hennessey of Warwick, a son....


Release your inner film critic

Granite Belt cinema buffs will have the chance to release their inner film critic when the Manhattan Short Film Festival comes to Stanthorpe on...

Tales from vacation

A Hallelujah moment